Saturday, December 08, 2007

2008 Exhibition Schedule:

Writing the promotional material for the Ruth Chenven exhibit was an opportunity to make a list of all of my upcoming exhibits. I feel a bit daunted at the moment. But I have been working toward the goal of a gallery exhibit and other sales opportunities. Sometimes you must watch what you ask for.

2008 Exhibition Schedule:

April 18-20

The American Craft Show - ACC
St. Paul, Minnesota

May 9-June 7

July 25-August 23

Textile Center
Program Exhibit
3000 University Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414
, 612-436-0464

September 12-October 4

The Space, a centre for creativity
Solo Exhibit
156 High Street
, New Richmond, Wisconsin 54017

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Ruth Chenven Foundation

The Ruth Chenven Foundation is having an exhibit to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. I received a grant from them in their third year of existence. It was a wonderful grant that gave me time and money to explore nonwoven fibers at the then Philadelphia College of Textiles. Now Philadelphia University, I think. I worked in a nonwoven textile laboratory, very much on my own. The professor had invented a textile that was used on space missions. It was a felted textile able to withstand high heats, so the astronauts used mittens padded with the textile when they went outside on space repair missions. The felted textiles I made were certainly a precursor to the work I do now. I coated some of them with clay. Now I mix fibers with clay.

I am not in the anniversary show. One name I do recognize is Betsy Damon. She founded No Limits for Women in the Arts. I was involved in this wonderful support system for women artists in the late 80's, early 90's. Betsy was working on her water missions then and has continued to develop wonderful environmental works in the United States and China.

I have been working on a promotional photo page for the exhibit. Each artist who has won a grant in the past is permitted to send some promotional materials.

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Exhibit at Translations Gallery

Kate Merkel and Judy Hagler of Translations Gallery in Denver offered me a show. The dates will be May 9-June7, 2008. I will be paired with gallery artist Cassandra Tondro who does paintings and compositions with earth pigments, natural dyes and stains from decomposed vegetables, on raw canvas. I wrote about Cassie early in the blog. It is exciting to be paired with her. Her latest paintings are poured latex and have a wonderful feeling taking a pure slice of earth to reveal stratas. The stratas are just a bit surreal with wonderful movement.

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New Piece

This is a new piece. I am trying to use a local photographer. I think it needs more shadows on the bottom to keep it from floating in vague space. The yellow clay is from our property in Chippewa County.

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