Our activist/sustainable living/artist friends from Anathoth Community Farm are hosting a huge party/concert on Saturday, July 7--7/7/07. They are celebrating their 20th anniversary on the same day as Live Earth--Al Gore and friend's day of concerts to call attention to the problem of global warming. World class concerts will be happening in Sydney, Shanghai, Tokyo, Johannesburg, London, Rio de Janerio, New York, and LUCK, Wisconsin!
The Saturday concert includes:
Buckwheat Zydeco -- Louisiana Creole music. He is coming to Anathoth because he likes what theydo and he is a great humanitarian and the best accordion player EVER!
Devon Evans--Long time percussionist with Bob Marley and the Wailers.
Natty Nation (reggae)
Savage Aural Hotbed (industrial percussion) the closest thing to human fireworks you will ever see.
Bedlam (Irish)
Nama Rupa (psychedelic swamp reggae)
Floydian Slip (jam/rock)
Command Zulu (political techno folk) also known as the farm band.
Come for the weekend which includes camping, hiking trails, biking, sand volleyball, food court, beer garden, tours of the eco village, and the most scenic bonfire hill in all of Wisconsin.
Early bird tickets cost: $25 adult, $15 13-17, 12 and under free
Day of the show (July 7) cost: $30 adult, $15 13-17, 12 and under free.
Evening special after 8 pm ( everyone is getting married on 7/7/07): $15\
Proceeds will fund a new education center to be built green on the farm.
Sunday will be a day of networking and workshops for activists from all over the upper Midwest.