Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Feminism in the Press

Feminism and art is getting press lately. First the Brooklyn Museum gave Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party a permanent museum home.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles opened “Wack! Art and the Feminist Revolution”, a poorly named exhibit of early feminist work. Holland Carter of the New York Times concludes his review of the exhibit with this claim. “Feminist art…is the formative art of the last four decades. …Without it identity-based art, crafts-derived art, performance art and much political art would not exist in the form it does, if it existed at all. Much of what we call postmodern art has feminist art at its source.”

Ana Finel Honigman of the Guardian’s arts blog gives a good rundown of this recent interest in feminism. Follow the many links in her blog for some good information. The shocking revelations are the statistics compiled by the Guerilla Girls and others. When I saw Nancy Pelosi behind Bush during his State of the Union address, I cried. I remembered the thrill of a woman running for vice President in the late 70’s. Now, almost 30 years later, a woman was finally in a position of high power in our federal government. The Guerilla Girls have been pointing out inequities in the art world for decades as well. And yet, from 2000-2004, women artists accounted for only 11% of the solo exhibitions held at the Guggenheim Museum. Between 2000 and 2005, only 2% of the solo exhibitions held at Tate Britain were for women artists.


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